
Saturday, April 28, 2012

For the Love of Rust

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: (NIV)Ecclesiastes 3:1

I think my favorite projects are ones that use things that would have ended up at a Landfil or Scrap yard.

The Scrap yard was the destination for this little beauty.

Lately I've had a thing for clocks and clock faces. I wanted to use a large clock of some sort in my bathroom redo. So I went in search of something to use as a base, that's when I spotted this (there were 2, still thinking on the other)

Old rusty barrel lids, can you see the beauty in this?

I love how the edges are scalloped, and the different shades of rust, it just makes me smile!

In my stash of scrapbook stuff, I had these cardboard numbers, which I sprayed painted silver. They looked a little too new, so I gave them a little bit of rust with some rust colored paint, much better.

This is my favorite little place to decorate, and
re-decorate. I call it "My own Little Corner" You know like Cinderella "In my own little corner, in own little world"

I added a small old saw, to my berry wreath, the rusts match!

This little birds nest I made from chicken wire and moss, and added little blue speckled clay eggs I made.

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Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special

Friday, April 27, 2012

Up-Cycled Bread Box

Matthew 4:4        

"Jesus answered, "It is written: 'People do not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."" Matthew 4:4 (NIV)

I picked up this Bread Box at the Goodwill, I have one just like it, that we received as a Wedding present, many years ago. We still use it and I've been thinking of updating it. So I thought this would give me a practice run.

I knew what I wanted it to look like, now I just needed to decide how I was going to achieve the "look"

I knew where to go for the graphic, The Graphic Fairy, of course, where else?

I did finally achieve the "look" I desired, but not without a lot of do-overs, a bunch of trial and error, a lot of error!

Pinterest is loaded with transfer methods, so I started with what I thought would be the easiest.
The Wax Paper transfer method, and it smeared too much, then I went with the Freezer Paper transfer, still smeared. *sorry no pictures of the smeared mess, but I'm sure you can picture it...

Next up was the Mod Podge, with paper, then with Tissue Paper, I could not get the paper to come off with out taking some of the ink too! If you have a secret please let me know, I like that the transfer is darker.

I admitted defeat and decided to just stencil it, but I just wasn't happy with that. I love the stencil, it just wasn't what I wanted on my Bread Box.

I repainted (Again) and selected a new graphic, this time after printing it out on freezer paper, I cut out the different sections, and applied them one at a time, yea! Success!!!!!

I was so excited it finally worked that I applied one to the top, too!

I used home made white chalk paint, and distressed with both a sander and hand sanding, after which I applied a hand waxed finish.

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