
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Blogger Deleted my Blog

My blog is gone!
Don't let this happen to you.

How to Save your blog, courtesy of Debbie at:
Under Blog Tutorials
Donna at: FJI:

Source: via Lorrie on Pinterest

Blogger Deleted my Blog, with out so much as an email to let me know. It was deleted as spam. SPAM, me? I wouldn't even know how to spam, if I wanted to! But they didn't ask me, they just Deleted my Blog and my Google Account.

So gone were all my posts, all my cherished comments, all my links to the blogs I follow, all my Followers, both GF and Linky...

 If you're anything like me you've been putting off backing up your blog. I was so busy writing posts, reading posts, following blogs, doing projects, joining Blog Parties, all the fun stuff we have our blogs for, that I never took the time to BACK UP MY BLOG!

I read the tutorials and blog tips from so many veteran Bloggers, and their tips have really helped me improve and grow my blog. But somehow I ignored  the section on Backing up your Blog, just skimmed right over that. I thought several times that I should do that, when I get the chance, well guess what? I never got the chance! Gone is my Blog!

Google, Blogger, everyone has been such a big help in getting me my blog back... NOT! Click here, go here, enter this, enter that, and it all just went round and round in a circle leading nowhere.

I did get some help and responses for a user on the forums, DarkUFO, he turned my case over to google who was supposed to have it reviewed and back up, in 7 business days. That time has come and gone and still no blog.

So here is my new blog. I wanted to keep the name close to what it was, so I just dropped the "s" on the end of Treasures, so now I am Finding Secret Treasure.

So please if you haven't backed up your Blog lately, do it now! Check out the attached links for instructions from DebbieDoo's Blog, and Donna from FJS.

Now if you would be so kind as to help me build back up my following and pass the word, a small mention on your blog or Facebook Page would really be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

I would love to hear from anyone else who has been through this, or anyone fearful of this, or just wanting to say Hi, I've been lonely without you all!



  1. OMG, Lorrie, that's awful. All that work, all those pictures. I'm so sorry that this happened to you. But thanks for the warning. I back my blog up occassionally. Will have to do it more often.

  2. That is terrible. I just bought my own domain so I won't have to worry about blogger doing that.

  3. This is great information, I am a newer blogger, and I really appreciate the post. Blessings to you and I hope your blog grows ten-fold for your trouble :)

  4. Thanks for the info...that would really set me off if mine was done that way. Yikes.
