
Friday, May 11, 2012

My Scenery

Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. Song of Solomon 2:12 (NIV)

Just a Sample of God's Masterpiece, and My Blessings

I am constantly amazed at the Beauty God has created, who could paint all the beauty we see every day? Looking for a Miracle? Just look around you, it's everywhere.

I've been searching for the words to describe what I felt as I walked around our property, and I'm at a loss. I take this walk almost daily, down the drive, around the field... Today I decided to take my camera, somehow looking through the lens, it was as if seeing it all with "new" eyes. I am just in awe of what God has created, and given me to care for.

The Beauty of the details in all we see...

Rhododendron, Purple Phlox, Yellow Iris

The best I can do is name some of the flowers, that He has placed here for me to enjoy.

There are so many memories wrapped up in our landscaping

This Snowball Bush, was a start from my Parents Home.

My husband built this for me, (he even moved it for me when I changed my mind about where I wanted it) The sign I bought on my first trip to New York City with my sister-in-law.

The white Irises are from my Father-in-Law's home, he collected them, so many varieties. I wish more would have survived.

I have no idea what this is, I have wondered for years, not even sure how it got here. If anyone has a clue, please let me know!

Clementas, no idea what kind, I just know I love it!

I call these miniature Iris, also from my Father-in-Law


My "wagon", I've had this almost 30 years, also a gift from my Father-in-Law. I wanted a wagon for my yard, we had a very small budget, with which I was searching. One day he called from an auction, and wanted me to come look at this... I fell in love, then he told me what it was, a manure spreader, oh... because it wasn't a wagon, it would go cheaper than a wagon, who else would want a manure spreader for decoration? I think we only paid about $30 for it!

Just an old barrel waiting for me to decide it's fate...

Soon, I'll fill the flower boxes with impatients

Poppies, given to me by a Dear Friend Elsie, from her own Garden

The rusty shovel head and what's left of the coal bucket, were recent gifts from my Son and Husband. They were dug up in the yard at our camp in the Mountains, and they thought I might like them, well there rusty, and cute, so YES!

This is one of those times when I wish I was a gifted writer and could beautifully put into words my thoughts and feelings, but that is not one of the gifts God has given me. Hopefully I was able to somewhat describe the sense of awe I was feeling on my walk with God.

Thank you for walking along with me, leave a comment and let me know you were here, they really do make my day!

I'm sharing with:

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special UndertheTableandDreamingsouthern hospitality
Chronic Christian Crafter

Cherished Handmade Treasures

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special


  1. Lovely pics. Thanks for sharing.

  2. How pretty! Love the arbor and the wagon! Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home!

  3. What beautiful photos! Have a fabulous weekend, xox

  4. Hi Lorrie: Very beautiful post. Your photos are very good, and your walk looks beautiful. You have many great garden ornaments,but I especially love the little gazebo that your husband made for you. And the sign on it is perfect..Happy Mother's Day..Judy

  5. Just found your blog. I have been following blogs for over a year now and so much want to create a blog of my own. But have no idea how to even begin. I have so many things, ideas, stories, etc. I would love to share. Wanted to leave a comment here about your picture of the bush you had no name for. It is most definitely a "sweetshrub" bush. Google it on your computer. My mother had one by the back porch of our old home place. It had a wonderful sweet smell. I so wish I had dug it up when mother sold the place after daddy died. I can"t seem to find one at any of the nurseries here. Great pictures of God's miracles. Thanks for sharing. Jenny-in-Alabama

  6. What beautiful pictures in your posts!

  7. Just beautiful! And inspiring. Thanks so much for linking up at I Gotta Create!
    <3 Christina

  8. Gorgeous photo series! Especially love the white irises....just lovely. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful garden. Hope you have a wonderful day. :-)

  9. Your garden is absolutely divine. It makes breathe away. We just planted a new garden and yours is such inspiration. Thanks

  10. Gorgeous! I love spring and the whole feeling of rebirth C:

  11. The plant is a sweet shrub.they are common here where I live. they smell so sweet.I just found your blog and love it.

  12. Your Manure Spreader couldn't look more Lovely! *Smiles* And your Images of it are Enchanting!

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  13. Your yard and gardens are stunning. How wonderful to have such lovely memories throughout your property.
    Mary Alice

  14. What a lovely walk we all had on your property. I chuckled about your manure spreader. I remember one well from my grandpa's farm. Granny use to say as it was being pulled across the field...".smells like money" lol

  15. What a wonderful garden! I was going to tell you how much I love your wagon...but now I know I just love your manure spreader! Never thought I would ever say those words...

  16. Your walk is truly an amazing one. Love your photos. Thanks so much for sharing at Toot Your Horn Tuesday :)

  17. Just gorgeous images!
    Not sure which I loved best, but that old sweet rusty shovels with
    the tiny blue blossoms sure ranks right up there.

    I have no idea what that deep mauve/red/purplish flower is!
    I am thinking it must be a native species of some sort in your
    area? We have some odd looking things like that here in the deep
    woods in Illinois!

    Check your local species charts?

    Thanks so much for sharing!
    Your property is gorgeous and yes, full
    of God's glorious blessings, Lorrie!


  18. Beautiful images! I'm totally in love with that vintage wagon. Having it in your garden for over 30 years must be special in and of itself. The rusty shovels are a nice addition. Thanks for sharing the beauty of your garden. ~ Sarah

  19. Beautiful, beautiful. I grew up on a farm so those details really bring me back. Thank you so much for linking up to our party!

  20. Oh, my!!!!!! I love that wagon!!! So I must ask: are you a professional photographer?

  21. Love all your crusty garden treasures! That wagon is amazing! You've got one fabulous hubs to move that trellis arbor and bring you rusty old finds!

    Thanks for joining our Outdoors party!
