This is the Potting Table I put together last summer. I'm calling this my "Before", since I was never really satisfied with it. I spent last summer putting it together and tweaking it, but it's still not the way I want it. Which is why I didn't post it last year.
All the items were salvaged pieces, things I've had or "acquired" So it was completely FREE! Not bad for the price...
A Vintage Shelving Unit, sits on top of an old Farm Table, backed with an old Wooden Garage Door.
I added a stenciled Branch, with Birds, some buckets, and wire basket hold tools and Rusty Treasures
I attached another old shelf to the side of the house, a rusty mailbox holds larger Garden Tools
Below an old Umbrella Stand holds some rakes and a hoe, an old Quaker State Oil Drum holds my Bird Seed
Below you can see I tried using an old shutter, door, and Door frame... These are to hide my "workspace" behind. These are the main things I want to change.
It's a little Junky-er than I would like, but it really did serve it's purpose and saw a lot of use!
I can't wait to get started on the changes I have in mind!
Let me know if you have any questions...
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have been inspired in some small way...
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God's Blessing to you and your
families, have a wonderful day!
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